
Image result for friday meme

Good morning and happy Friday! I hope this finds you all in great spirits and ready for the weekend! We had a pretty easy-going week here in World History.

World History 7:

We started our fourth unit of the year this week and things have been going well so far. The kids completed an introductory map that showed where the Greeks lived and where they established colonies. We also took some notes over the first civilizations in Greece (Minoans, Mycenaeans, Dorians) and discussed the establishment of city-states. Then, students were given an assignment to extend their knowledge of the Greeks by comparing their city-states and government to that of the United States. To wrap up our week, students were given a reading assignment about the two largest and most powerful city-states in Ancient Greece – Sparta and Athens. They were to read a section in their textbook and then complete a homework assignment about what they read. This assignment helps them to compare Athens and Sparta and their beliefs, governments, and lifestyles. This assignment is due on Tuesday (A Day) and Wednesday (B Day).

Next week, we will spend some more time discussing Sparta and Athens and their differences. We’ll also do an in-class activity to learn about the governments in the Greek city-states and discuss how those governments influenced modern-day governments.

World History 10:

This week was all about working on those timeline projects that were assigned last week. When the projects are due, they will have had three class periods to work on these. Most students have worked really hard to compile some great events and information for their timelines. However, some students may still need to spend some time working on them over the weekend to have them completed for Tuesday (A Day) or Wednesday (B Day). I’m excited to see how they turn out! I’ve also given the students some practice essays for their exam. One of these questions will appear on their exam on Thursday/Friday. These questions are not required to complete, but it will help students to study for the exam.

For next week, those timelines are due on Tuesday/Wednesday. Also on Tuesday and Wednesday, we will have our review day where kids will play a review game and have some time to study and ask questions about how to prepare for the exam. The exam will be Thursday and Friday. Encourage your kids to study and ask me for help if needed!

That’s it for me this week – have a great weekend!

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